made for walking!!!
Bought in Rimini Italia for 200,000 lira, they are now six years old and have been around the world. They have been laced up in 34 countries ... and unlaced at dozens of airport security checkpoints. They have been on trains, planes, and automobiles ... and subways, trams, boats, and even an elephant. They have been on top of the active Sicilian volcano Mountt Ætna, and crossed the extinct cone of Te Rua Manga on Rarotonga.
They have hiked in the Alps and the Pyrenees, the Rocky Mountains and Sierras. Mountains, vales and lakes from halfway up Mt Pilatus - Luzern Switzerland
Sitting on the summit of Mount Pilatus
- near Luzern Switzerland
They have tread the Spanish Steps, and have been thrown out of St Peter's, yet have been welcomed in and on countless temples in Asia and Latin America.

Mayan ruins of Tikal- Temple IV
- Petén Guatemala
Yax Ha Mayan ruins - Petén Guatemala
El Castello pyramid,
Mayan ruins of Chichén Itzá
- Yucatan Mexico
My boots have trudged through jungles, forded streams, and mucked through the blizzards of five Tahoe winters!
Lined with Thinsulate®, they are warm in the winter and cool in the summer, and also with Gore-Tex® that keeps my feet dry and happy!
They are light, but sturdy, and have been sure footed support for many of my journeys.
... these boots ...
were also made for
!!! flying !!!
Rain forest canopy zipline
- Petén Guatemala
I hope you enjoyed this stroll in My Boots.
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